Campus Master Plan

Malvern Preparatory School is an independent school established in 1842 for boys in grades 6-12. Centerbrook engaged the entire community to develop a campus master plan that seeks to advance its mission to provide an education grounded in Augustinian values through inquisitive thinking, faith integration, character development, and lifelong friendships.

The Master Plan identifies where and how to renovate or add on to buildings, and advances proposals to upgrade its grounds. The ideas put forth focus on enhancements, often modest ones, that take advantage of the existing campus buildings and outdoor spaces. Guided by four “tenets” – mind, body, heart, and awareness – it recommends priority projects, or “ambitions,” to be completed over the next five years.


Malvern Preparatory School

Location Malvern, PA
Photo Credit Centerbrook
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The projects, categorized in five sections, are interrelated and can be completed in part or in any sequence. They include: enhancing the campus story, providing a welcoming face for visitors, expanding creative learning, placing counseling at the center of campus, and advancing athletics and student wellness.

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Throughout the pandemic, Centerbrook engaged Malvern remotely, holding 26 interviews with a wide range of stakeholders: all faculty, all administrators, students by grade, parents, Board members, alums, neighbors, and town officials. An Oversight Committee of faculty and administrators met monthly to review progress, consider ideas, and offer insight, while an Executive Committee met every two weeks to provide leadership and to structure and organize the planning process.

After developing the tenets and ambitions, Centerbrook forged a consensus on priority projects. The first project, a Middle School and Counseling Center, is in the preliminary design phase. The scope, cost, and phasing will be determined as planning continues.