STEAM Building

Centerbrook developed a comprehensive master plan for Madeira School, an all-girls’ boarding school outside Washington, D.C. The first substantial project to go forward was a new STEAM building.


Madeira School

Location McLean, VA
Size 35,000 Sq. Ft.
Photo Credit Art Howard Photography; Centerbrook
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Madeira has a Georgian-style historic core that was elegantly designed in 1930 by Washington architect Waldron Faulkner. The school’s sprawling 376-acre campus is in spectacular balance with nature atop a prominent ridge overlooking the Potomac River and Great Falls. Our master plan envisions many architectural interventions to the campus over a 20-year future horizon. Buildings we propose near Faulkner’s historic core extend the core’s handsome Georgian style, while those at some distance are proposed, where appropriate, as being more progressive.

The STEAM building (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) is a large building for Madeira’s campus, sited just outside the historic core where it is inserted into a steep hillside overlooking the Potomac River. It’s a highly sustainable brick and glass building that forms a new quadrangle with the nearby school library. The STEAM building gently references Faulkner’s architectural style while striking out in a progressive new direction of its own that’s well suited to its science and fine arts spaces.