Much of our planning determines feasibility in light of local planning or zoning regulations, budget limitations, scheduling demands, or site constraints.
Feasibility: Topic
Feasibility Process
We begin by identifying program needs for the facility desired. Sometimes we visit peer facilities to better understand functional aspects. As we consider room sizes, we user a live spread sheet to link square footages to cost per SF assumptions, so the client committee can appreciate in real time the impact space increases have on costs. This allows us to arrive at a program that is in balance with the Project Budget.
Feasibility: Topic
We typically consider several different solutions, often looking at different site and cost point options. If the client has difficulty choosing a preferred approach, we employ a trademark “Decision Matrix” that takes emotion out of the decision-making through the use of weighted metrics.
Feasibility: Topic
If the study calls for it, we produce photo-realistic renderings and fly-through animations to allow any audience, including potential donors, to appreciate what is being proposed. We sometimes allow the Owner to take a Virtual Reality self-guided tour through the different design options through the use of a headset.