We view athletic competition as a fundamental expression of the human spirit. When designing stadiums and arenas, we put fans as close as possible to the action, inspiring players and spectators alike. We understand the transformational impact a renowned athletics facility can have on a college or school.
sports: Projects
Sports: Topic
Athletics and the Whole Person
Our athletic facilities help tune not just the body, but the mind and spirit as well. We want them to help attract the very best athletes, but also to graduate the very best people. We have integrated communal dining halls focused on nutrition; strength and fitness centers that offer hydrotherapy, yoga, large motor activity, and therapeutic massage; resource centers that assist with academics and provide career counseling, networking, and financial planning; social lounges filled with uplifting daylight and fresh air; and spaces for meditation and stress release that connect directly to the outdoors.
Sports: Topic
A Place for Spectators
We think of athletic arenas as theaters. We want them to have a sense of threshold; that you’ve left one world and entered an exciting new one. A glimpse from outside of the action inside before you enter heightens anticipation. A low ceilinged lobby contrasts with the arena’s expanse like the crescendo of a Beethoven symphony. The roof of the arena is brought down at the perimeter to compress the energy of the crowd and amplify it like a megaphone. High-powered halogen lights, unable to be dimmed quickly, have mechanical “barn door” shades that open in a flash to flood the arena with a burst of light just as the team takes the court. We’ve manipulated you, for sure, but only for a few exciting and memorable hours.
Sports: Topic
Use of the Largest Room on Campus
Field houses have the largest volume on a college campus, yet are used by only a few people for short periods of time. This ratio of space to utilization can be hard to justify. We have resolved this imbalance by making the field house a recreational center as well as a facility for varsity track and field. We provide two separate entrances, one for recreation, and one for event spectators. We locate the sprint lanes, pole vault, and long jump outside of the track’s infield and surface 2/3 of it with general purpose turf for recreational use. We use space outside of the infield for a multi-sport court, basketball, tennis, handball, and squash.